The Copper Fountains

They are back in bloom 8 12 2013

Full moon over the Willamette Valley

Heading Home

Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting

Torilis Arensis

Wine Tasting

Softball in Hillsboro

Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting

Flyby Framework

Tail Stand Tumble

April is radiant.

Drawn to the Light

Sunrise on the go

A View Across the Willamette Valley

Just Resting a Moment

Lay Your Moon on My Shoulder

December sunrise

Islands of Trees

Late Day Field

A Late Departure


Clover Field

In the Stillness of a foggy morning

July 30, 2013PendletonMEMOR-25.jpg

Around the Bend

Grapevines in the mist.

The Heron Rookery

You're Turning Violet...

Autumn Crossing

Amber Waves

Dandelion Sunset

Bald Peak State Park

Embrace the Light

Jackson Bottom Wetlands in Hillsboro

Playing with #holga

Where the Woods Meets the Orchard