Another Bridge in the Distance

Derail--an apt comment about Steamtown and its future. May 26, 2009

Union Pacific Big Boy 4012 In The Snow Black and White!

Roundhouse Lineup at Steamtown, Scranton, Pennsylvania

Harry Kirst and group in 1907 Stevens-Duryea in front of Charles Kirst Hotel, Scranton, PA

Really Low

Darkness Falls

Reading 2124 Steam Engine In The Snow Black and White!

Forest Castle "tunnel"

View from the Sidewalk, 2013.11.01

Welcome to the Hotel California...

Morning Fog, 2009.07.25

It may be the same view from up here on the hill but the clouds are always different and sometimes pretty cool looking.... #ram1 #robmosley #ram1june2017 #pittston #pennsylvania #lowes #lowesrdc1449

Fading Intensity, 2013.08.03

Along State Route 118, 2013.08.03

Morning Light Over the Housetops

One last view from Giants Despair Hill in Laurel Run Pennsylvania #ram1 #robmosley #ram1Aug2017 #giantsdespair #LaurelRun #pennsylvania #mosley #RobertMosley

Reading 2124 Steam Locomotive!

Beyond The Trees, 2013.08.03

View From the Door to the Parlor, Fellowship Hall, Etc.

Lakeshore View, 2013.09.15

Scalloped Cascade, 2013.12.07

Seven Tubs Nature Area

In to the Wilds

Foliage on display, 2013.09.28

Seven Tubs Nature Area

Seven Tubs Nature Area

(Water Chute) Obscured, 2012.11.02

Winter Waterfall

Sun Painted Clouds, 2013.08.03

Merging Waters, 2012.11.02

Above the Susquehanna

Above the Water Pool, 2012/11/02

Sandy, 2013.04.19

Winter Waterfall

This is what's left of the ice jams that we had her the other day.... #ram1 #robmosley #ram1Jan2018 #RobertMosley #mosley #wilkesbarre #pennsylvania #winter #icejam #SusquehannaRiver

Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania - Irem Temple Mosque - Shriners Headquarters - Now Abandon - Minaret - Beacon

Seven Tubs Nature Area

Seven Tubs Nature Area

Ferns at Grams