Stonewall Pumpkin Festival - EXPLORED! on Front Page

Thorington School House (Gold Key)

Curved on the Trail (Explored!)

Construction Everywhere


Timbale Player - Explored


1.21 Jiggawatts

The Crossing

Waxing Crescent Moon

Sunny View on a Winter's Day

Front view of Thorington school

Artwork Detail 1

a cold coal furnace

Veggies - good for your eyes & other body parts

The Cowboy

Follow Me.

Artwork Detail 4

Winter view

View from Deck of the Golf Course

Big Bright Lights

Hot and cold

Bienvenue aux USA

Mae Stecker Park

Fog on Paint Creek trail

Stoney Creek Metro Park, Michigan, 11-28-14

Dramatis Nebulae

Fall into the Fairway

Buhl Lake

Upper Lake at Stony Creek

Great pumpkins

Sunset, Nov 1st, S.E. Michigan

Fun with photography. ????

Late summer meadow

the call

20190131160933 Per Skiing - Bald Mountain RA

Kettle pond

Photographer Caught in Headlights.

Exposure Detroit October 2008 Safari

Stony Creek

Bald Mountain

The curve from above