The Ruptured Duck

Winter shadows...

Italianate by night...

The Little Red Schoolhouse

Old crossing...

Branching out....

To Thy cross I cling...

A Hall of Fame Welcome for the Steeler Nation

Luminance in green...

Winter Shadows II...

Flying lady...

Instrumental abstract...

View from the Ruffs' front window on this snowy, pre-Thanksgiving Ohio morning.

1867 Italianate Home

Look up...

Out here in the field...



I don't look for red barns...

The Palace Theater

Spring Farm II...

Fleabane Daisies Botanical

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly on Ironweed Wildflower II

Golden Hour on the farm....

Canal Fulton, Ohio USA

Look out for the blue Beetle....!

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly and Ironweed Wildflower Collage


Rohr Farm - 1889

Earth and sky...

Morning mist...


Field of gold....

Autumn's world....


Big Sky Ohio...