Seven Spot Ladybird - Coccinella septempunctata

Marbled White - Melanargia galathea

Hotwells & the River Avon

Common Darter - Sympetrum striolatum

Marbled White - Melanargia galathea

Small Skipper - Thymelicus sylvestris

Robber Fly - Machimus atricapillus

Marbled White - Melanargia galathea

Bumblebee - Bombus jonellus

Robber Fly - Dioctria rufipes

when the sun rise ...

Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus

Nomada Bee - Nomada ruficornis

Spiny Shieldbug - Picromerus bidens

Emerald Damselfly - Lestes sponsa (female)

Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary - Boloria selene

Robber Fly - Machimus atricapillus

Clifton Suspension Bridge

Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus

Brown Argus - Aricia agestis

Rove Beetle - Ocypus olens

Mendip Hills Sunset

Evidence of Autumn

Lagoon Waterfall

Cathedral Of Wells

Bristol Harbourside Evening

Temple River

Bristol from the clifton suspension bridge

Bridge View

Little Waterfall

Mendips mono

The path to Nailsea

Colour city.........

A Weekend in Bristol

Saturday afternoon stroll

Portway Trails

Church of St Andrew, Cheddar

Evening Ferry Ride

Avon Calling


Meadow Brown - Maniola jurtina

West Tanpit Brook