Worse ways to start the day! D85_9977.jpg

Cabin on Bronson Hill

Littleton, New Hampshire

Lupines in Sugar Hill

Main Street, Littleton, New Hampshire

Sugar Hill Sampler, Sugar Hill, New Hampshire - 1985

Franconia, New Hampshire

Sunset Hill House - Sugar Hill, New Hampshire, 1985

Red Chair Behind Polly's Pancake Palor


St. Matthew's in Autumn

Sugar Hill New Hampshire

New Hampshire Foliage

View From The Robert Frost Summer House

A Cold December Afternoon

Mountain View

Sandhill Cranes!

Sugar Hill, NH

Mountain Views from a car window - near Sugar Hill New Hampshire 2

Broken Bridge

Bath Covered Bridge Entrance View, Bath, New Hampshire

Pink Fog in the Hills

Farm in Sugar Hill

Lupines on Lewis Hill

Autumn at Pearl Lake

Red Barn in Bethlehem, NH

Autumn in New Hampshire

Bridesmaid Falls

Autumn in Bethlehem

Sugar Shack in Sugar Hill

Lupine Festival #1

Horse Farm in Littleton, NH

Sugar Hill, New Hampshire

Sunset at Moore Reservoir

Lupine Sunset

Red Barn in New Hampshire