Sycamore Gap
Housesteads lookout
The fog on the Tyne (is all mine all mine).
The Track and Gate
Fog clearing. (Explored)
Porta ad barbaricum
The North of England
Rain Clearing (Explored)
Milky way over Steel Rigg
View back towards Housesteads
Sycamore Gap
Robin Hoods Tree at Sycamore Gap
Crag Lough, Hot Bank Farm and Hadrian's Wall
Rocky Riffle
139/365 - Above a land of light and shadow
A 66 meets A69
Sycamore Gap
A Very Small Barn
Follow the path
Evening Glow.
Sycamore Gap II
Evening Mist.
Moment of Light
River Reflections
Once upon a time, the Final Frontier...
Sycamore gap
River Allen
Wall of Stars
Catton Beacon
Rain Clouds at Sunset.
The Gap
Sunset over Beltingham.
The 'Wobbly' Bridge
Hadrian's Wall(k)
Northumberland Mist
Killhope burn