Drumsara moored on the Midi

The Languedoc

Lunch with a view

Pyrenean sunset

Sunflowers at Sunset

Drumsara France

Languedoc Patchwork

Villar St Anselme

Grape Vines in November

Let's dance!

Carnaval de Limoux - L'Aragou

Bande du Tivoli

Comment choisir?

Alet les Bains

Carnaval de Limoux - L'Aragou

Un vénitien égaré?

Saint-Hilaire - gate and garden

Carnaval de Limoux - L'Aragou

The View

Carnaval de Limoux - L'Aragou

Carnaval de Limoux - L'Aragou

The Fields of France

Vue de Cailhau

La différence a du bon

La Hoplie bleue (Hoplia coerulea ou Hoplia caerulea)

A quick visit to my parents in the south of #France with Xam. Flight went well! Xam's second time already in his first 6 months.

Endless sunflowers on the drive to Carcassonne.

Vines and Mountains

Mill on the Hill


Morning Glow

Bellegarde du Razes 20-04-2011 12-39-18 p.m..JPG

La belle France

l'aude à limoux

Fields of Gold

La Tour.....

l'aude à limoux