East Point Lighthouse -- view #4

East Point Lighthouse -- another view

American Woodcock


Heislerville Flight

American Pipit

Tri-colored Heron

White-faced Ibis

Basilica Spider

Merlin (Falco columbarius)

Summer Tanager

Side view of Giant Grasshopper

Wilson's Phalarope

Post-Prime Signage

Yellow-throated Warbler

The Rookery

Eurasian Green-winged Teal

Red-necked Phalarope

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Is this my better side?

Glaucous Gull

Magic Cabin-2255-Edit.jpg


Sharp Street Below The Dam

Swans, not geese

Pink and Blue Morning

East Point Lighthouse 8 images Panorama I

East Point Lighthouse

Sunrise Pano-1897-Edit.jpg

Giant Anchor

Getting Ready Before Sunrise

Lake Nummy - Woodbine NJ

Sunrise at Thompson's Beach

Morning Twilight Union Lake

East Point Lighthouse V

Swans in the mud

Fishing Pier on the Maurice River

East Point Lighthouse VI

Sunrise at Thompson's Beach

Sunrise at Thompson's Beach