view from gull pond tower at Brig

Saltmarsh Sparrow

White Ibis

Seed Head

Short-eared Owl

Great Blue against the Deep Blue

Out of the Shadows

American Avocets

Black Skimmer

View of Atlantic City across the marsh

Juvie BC

Lilypad Forktail

Sittin' At The Dock Of The Bay

Yellow Warbler

view from Gull Tower, Brig

Juvie Yellow-crowned Night Heron

Yellow, I love yah!

Short-eared Owl

Snowy Owl

Snowy Owl

Eared Grebe

Little Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey

Succulent Splendor

Fleeting Moments

Jobs Creek - Looking North [explored]

Stormy Skies

surf fishing

Glossy Ibis in Flight III

Snowy Courtship II

Upper Bass River

Taste of Spring

Tree Swallows

Least Sandpiper

Holgate, NJ

Golden hour at Ballanger Creek

Brown Thrasher

Turbulent Waters

Morning Winter Sky

Bass River Sunset

LBI Sunrise w/ Crepuscular Rays

Clapper Rail

Great Bay Boulevard