Rolling Mist Over Lily Lake

Reaching For The Light

Twin trees Tri-colored

I Did The Dance of Joy!!!!!!

The Spark (Explored!)

Take My Breath Away.....

Big Tree

The Long and Winding Road...

Big Tree with Big Bling

Having The Time of Her Life

Light It Up!!!!

Norge Ski Jump, Summer 2011

Fall Things [10]

the venerable switch heater

Lakemoor Fest Fireworks 2010

Trailside Sunset

Crystal Lake Sunrise [EXPLORED]

Autumn reflections

Waterfall at sunset

Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me...

Orange Lily

Misty autumn dawn

Autumn dawn

Sunset Blues

Tall Grass

Marshland Grasses 002

Lakewood Sunset

Marshland Grasses 067

Late afternoon, Moraine Hills State Park

Enter at your own risk

Abandoned Fishing Pond Study 006

Moraine Hills State Park

Volo, IL, Volo Bog State Natural Area, Landscape

Defiance Lake sunset

Fox River

The runner