First Light at Walnut Beach

Walnut Beach Pier and Pipe No. 2

A subtle spotlight

Icedrops with snow

The River in Autumn

Autumn Mosaic 2

The Beauty of a Slow Walk

To the Letter

The art of a Monarch butterfly

stevenson brush 310 (view 2)

Through The Looking Glass

the lower falls

Autumn Fire

Old Mine Park

Cherry blossom

Light and Shadow

The Pond at Southford Falls 2

The Pond at Southford Falls 1

Red Milkweed Beetle - Tetraopes tetrophthalmus-Explored

Stone, Water and Light

The Footbridge at Old Mine Park

Stone, Water and Light

A Walk in the Woods

The Rift

You've Got A Friend

Let Your Light Shine Through

Watching Time Flow By

New Year, New Dawn

Have You Ever Seen The Rain?

A Memory of A Tree By The Sea

I Land Square

Out of the Darkness

Saudade No. 4

Into the Ether

State of Consciousness

Saudade No. 4 - B/W

Keep Your Eye on the Horizon

Until Our Paths Cross Again