Golden Sunset

Harland Rise (colour version)

Evandale General Store

Colonial Mansion

Shadows on the Royal Oak

Golden Light Meditation

Early Light

Sunset Suite II

Sunset Suite I

Christ Church

Mother and Child

Hiding in plain sight

Old Wesleyan Chapel

View from the bridge

The old Gasworks building

unfolding the view

Antique Heaven

Old Quarry

Arts-Legal Precinct

Yellow Steps in a Grove with Ivy

Old Mill from the arbor

Conversations with Trees

Still Water

Jurassic Rock

Autumn Evening Approaches

Ancient Gorge

Greener Pastures

Evandale Pastures

Dog Rock Bend

Falls Park Pavilion

Autumn Sunrise

Three Trees

Meet John Glover

Art House 1888

The filmy veil of greenness that thickens as we gaze...

Deep Time

Final Rays

Storm Brewing