Room With A View

"The Way Ahead"

Gettysburg & Northern F7A


Gettysburg Cyclorama - Looking South Southwest

Row Boat

EEErie Sky

The Farm Pond

Kurt's 1952 Ford F1 [05.02.11]

View From The Defensive Position

Ring-necked Close-up

Gettysburg, view from Cemetery Hill to Culp's Hill

2012-05-13 (36) Soldier's National Cemetery Annex

Kurt's 1952 Ford F1 [05.02.11]

Gettysburg Cemetery Fence

Building a New Home

Along the Way

The Ultimate Sacrifice

Gettysburg Cyclorama - Looking Northwest

The McLean Farm - Gettysburg 2013

Gettysburg National Military Park - Eternal Light Peace Memorial

Folks? #gettysburg in #autumn is spectacular. Perfect #WHPontheroad project! Wish we had time to venture down that path. #chrystilovesautumn #liveauthentic #chasingautumn #chasinglight #pennsylvania

Land of the Dead

McLean Barn, Oak Ridge

Sunset at Long Arm Reservoir [08.11.12]

Sunset [07.29.12]

Cemetery Hill, Gettysburg

Gettysburg 1863, The Unknown

Conewago Creek


The Lone Cannon

Oak Ridge, Gettysburg

Extrait du panorama de la bataille de Gettysburg


2013-09-02 at 06-59-54 (1).jpg

Defensive Position

The West Woods at Gettysburg.


Sunset at Long Arm Dam 8.6.2012

Sunset at Long Arm Dam 8.6.2012

the sun was warm