100% Chance of Snow...

a Snowy Stalker

Seaside Osprey

Those Terrible Talons

White-faced Ibis

Rufa Red Knot

Can't Quite Agree

Sandblasted Sanderling

Red Knot

ACNJ at night

View from the Dock

Rip Yer Face Off

Red Knot Strut'n

the Red Knot Army

A Colorful Sanderling

A Two-Stepping Dunlin

A Magnificent Osprey Landing

Composite shot

Black Skimmer

Willet on the Wing

Pretty in Pink

Morning Has Broken....

Lilly in the Morning

Salt Marsh Heron

Avalon, New-Jersey [Explored!]

The Long and Winding Fence - Updated

End of Day

Before Dawn

Sea Isle

If Only

Zig-zag dune fence

Old Acquintance

Crossing over

The rare double rainbow pano...

Just press play

One thing is for certain, the sun will rise everyday

Perry (unbanded #4) 9/2/18

Double Bow

Dock of the Bay

lightning over Princeton Harbor

Beach Sunrise