Eustis estate - Historic New England - Milton, Massachusetts

Amtrak 165 With a Private Car

Eclipse, using a colander for viewing

Kristina Madsen

Daybreak at Blue Hills

View of Upper Porter Pond

B-17 interior view of the pilot's seat in the cockpit

Houghtons Pond

B-17 interior view of the pilot & co-pilot's controls

Interior view of the foreward cabin of the B-24, looking past the navigator/radio operator's desk into the cockpit

Interior view of the foreward cabin of the B-24, looking past the navigator/radio operator's desk into the cockpit

View down the starboard (right) fuselage of the B-17, including US star logo, belly machine gun, and cockpit

Port (left) view of the nose of the B-17, including port side markings, chin guns, and the inner starboard propellor

B-17 interior view of the starboard (right) belly gun

B-17 interior view of the bombardier's seat

Front on view of the B-17, including chin guns & bombardier's canopy

Tail view of the B-25

B-17 interior view of the bottom ball gunner's compartment

B-17 interior view of the turret gunner's perch

B-17 interior view of people walking thropugh the bomb bay

Atlantic salmon viewing pool

Hilltop Bench

Go Fishing

Fall at the Pond

Fall Fishing

Skyline Trail

Medfield, MA

Blue Hill from Signal Hill, Canton, Massachusetts

Another shot of D.W. In the afternoon

Wintry Sunset

Signal Hill

Quincy Gas Tank

Trees: Natures litterbugs

Sunflower Field

The Tower

Caught It!

Still Waters

Houghton's Pond

Lake Massapoag Panorama

Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary

Sunset at Houghton's Pond