Custom Built

Spreading out

Stick Your Neck Out

Self Portrait

Alcohol Funny Car Launch

Sutfin-Herbert House

Morning Haze

NHRA Pro Stock Driver Kurt Johnson

Towards Perrine Hill

assassin bug (Acholla multispinosa)

Six Flags T Cups

Louis Capet XXVI Six Flags Great Adventure 2013 Gay Day Fairgrounds Out at Night Louis Capet XXVI Laser Show

Oyster Delight: John Ralph Willis

playing their games [his view]

playing their games [her view]

Rolling Thunder

Two Drops

Pink-footed Goose

Northern Lapwing

El Toro Reflection

Overgrown Field

Right turn off of Sweetman's Lane

Sutfin-Herbert House - VI

The Valley of Unrest

Modified Holga HL-C Lens Test - I

Hickey's tree-clubmoss

Historic Craig House - XVII

Sunset at West Windsor Plainsboro High School - North

Historic Craig House - IV


Abandoned Farmhouse - IX

Landscapes from the Battle of Monmouth - I


Harvest over

Rising Sun Lake

#AmazingSky #WhataWonderfulWorld #NewJerseySkyline

Picture 241

Farm Scene

Escape into Nothing

Forsgate Sunrise

Sunset Bales 253/365