Hotel room view of tropical paradise beach and coconut palm, Kerama Islands National Park, Japan

Arrival view of Kerama Islands National Park, Zamami, Japan

Enjoying the ridiculous view, Zamami, Japan


Enjoying the view from our hotel room, Tropical Japan, Okinawa

Kerama sunset

Aka lookout

south side island view

Aharen Beach Top View

#2225 table coral (エダサンゴ), edge view

Zamami Island - 座間味島

#2219 table coral (エダサンゴ), edge view

view of downtown Aka

#2221 table coral (エダサンゴ), edge view

dinner view

room with view

tokashiku beach

golden hour

#5067 view from harbor

Aharen Beach

Way to Heaven

Deserted tropical beach in southern Japan, Kerama Islands National Park, Okinawa

Storm clouds breaking up over clear blue tropical water, Kerama Islands National Park of Japan

One of the best Japanese beaches with many sea turtles, Kerama Islands National Park

White sandy tropical beach of a southern Japanese island, Kerama Islands National Park

Clearest water snorkeling in tropical lagoon, Kerama Islands, Japan

White sandy tropical beach and clear blue water, Tokashiki Island, Japan

Snorkeling with sea turtle in tropical Japan, Kerama Islands National Park

Tropical Japanese beach just for ourselves

Tropical Japanese coastline and clear blue water

Coral Road

Coral snorkeling in clearest sea water, Okinawa, Japan

Looking over tropical Japan's coastline with clear blue lagoon water, Zamami

Flying over tropical islands of Japan, Kerama Islands, Okinawa

White coral sand beach favored by sea turtles of Tropical Japan, Tokashiki Island of the Kerama Islands National Park