Custom Built

Views from a plane

Rolling Thunder

Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis)

Stick Your Neck Out

Pink-footed Goose

Northern Lapwing

Overgrown Field

El Toro Reflection

View from the ski-lift

Views from a plane

Northern Lapwing

A Walk In The Woods

Views from a plane

Upper view

Big Wheel

Six Flags T Cups

Shack, Monroe, NJ

Rear view

Big Woods Rd, New Egypt, Ocean Co, NJ

Essex House NYC


Escape into Nothing

Path to the Edge of the World

The Lonely Tree - IV

Harvest over

Rising Sun Lake

2012: Six Flags Wild Safari, New Jersey, USA

Picture 241

Landscapes from the Battle of Monmouth - VII


Sunset Bales 253/365

Hightstown, NJ

The corn is done

The Lonely Tree - I

Sunset 5 - New Egypt, NJ


The Lonely Tree - II


Week 42 - Just for fun