Morning dewdrops on grass

Underside of Green-spored Lepiota mushroom (Chlorophyllum molybdites)

Nibbled mushroom (Green-spored Lepiota - Chlorophyllum molybdites)

View from Grove Park Inn - Asheville NC

North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway Landscape Photography Asheville NC

1947 Willy's Rat Rod (Asheville, North Carolina)

in a fog (Explore)

Locust Borer (Megacyllene Robiniae) at Craggy Gardens (Blue Ridge Parkway)

Biltmore Farmyard Tractor (Biltmore Estate, Asheville NC)

first light

Biltmore Farmyard Goat (Biltmore Estate, Asheville NC)

Battery Park Apartments, 1 Battle Square, Asheville, North Carolina, USA / Architect: William Lee Stoddart / Completed: 1924 / Architectural style: Beaux-arts / Historism

An Appalachian sunset over Asheville, North Carolina

Craggy Gardens Yellow Worm (Blue Ridge Parkway)

Biltmore Farmyard Sign (Biltmore Estate, Asheville NC)

Craggy Gardens Bumble Bee (Blue Ridge Parkway)

Sunset View from The Grove Park Inn

Pleiades Star Cluster

Beaverdam Lake at Twilight

View of downtown Asheville, North Carolina, USA

View of downtown Asheville, North Carolina, USA

Stephen and Jenna enjoyed the Blue Ridge Parkway.

784 crosses the French Broad

tree and plant forms, blossiming, backlit, yard, Asheville, NC, Apple iPhone 11, 4.3.20

from under a tree, West Asheville Park, Asheville, NC, 6x6 pinhole, Ilford FP4+, Moersch Eco film developer, 3.4.20

Azalea in Flame

wildflowers, ladder, yard, Asheville, NC, Ricohflex Dia M, Kodak Tri-X 400, Moersch Eco film developer, 6.21.20

Asheville NC Blue Ridge Parkway Spring Flowers Scenic Landscape

Lazy day along the French Broad

branch pile, French Broad River, old railroad bridge, urban decay, Asheville, NC, 6x6 pinhole camera, Ilford Pan F 50, Moersch Eco Film Developer, 3.17.20

looking up, old abandoned homestead, urban decay, Asheville, NC, 6x6 pinhole camera, Ilford FP4+, Moersch Eco film developer, 3.5.20

cluster, floral forms, blossoms, Asheville, NC, Ricohflex Dia M, Kodak Tri-X 400, Moersch Eco film developer, 6.21.20

Sunrise over Beaver Lake

Asheville NC Blue Ridge Parkway Spring Flowers North Carolina

chain link fence, barbed wire, lookout tower, Norfolk Southern Railway, river district, Asheville, NC, Zeiss Ikonta M, Fomapan 200, Moersch Eco film developer, 7.15.20

pathway, entrance, Community Park at Craggy Park, Asheville, NC, Argus Autronic 35, Eastman Dourble X 200, HC-110 developer, 5.25.20

urban decay, railroad and river district, signage, Asheville, NC, Ansco Flash Clipper, Fomapan 200, Moersch Eco film developer, 3.11.20

old railroad bridge, urban decay, graffiti, Emma Road, Asheville, NC, 6x6 pinhole camera, Ilford Pan F 50, Moersch Eco Film Developer, 3.17.20

Morning on Beaver Lake

The View from the Grove Park Inn

looking up, crumbling railroad bridge, Emma Road, Asheville, NC, Voigtlander Vitomatic II, FPP Derev Pan 200, HC-1110 developer, 7.21.20