Long-tailed Drake

Mr. Purple

Semipalmated Sandpiper

A Big Splash 3I9069

Harley Trio

On the Rocks

Water Water Everywhere...

Red-breasted Merganser

Harley's Portrait

Catching a Wave

Long Beach Island Aerial Sunrise

A Beautiful Face


Black-legged Kittiwake

Horned Grebe

Sooty Tern

Path of Destruction

I'm Ready for My Close-Up, Now

Redneck Trio

A Contemplating Dunlin

Clown Face


storm a rollin in

bay sunset

snow covered Lacey, NJ

barnegat trail

Last Call ~ * ~ Explored (08/08/2012) ~ * ~

foggy day at the park

Barnegat Bay Wildlife

sun setting in waretown

cedar forest

View From Barnegat Lighthouse

Snowy Owl at Island Beach

'Ipswich' Sparrow

"To the Lighthouse"

Just before sunset

Island Beach State Park

Bonnet Estates ....Later in the day ...

Snowy Owl (Bubo Scandiacus)