Aspens Abstract 2012

San Miguel Chapel (ca 1610)

Sunset over Santa Fe

Sunset over Santa Fe

San Miguel Chapel (ca 1610)

Aspen Panorama 5

Aspen Panorama

Santa Fe, Loretto Chapel

Santa Fe Lady

SantaFeOpera 2013(21)

Aspen Panorama 3

Prime aspen viewing

Custom-built 4 x 5 Large Format Stereo Pinhole Camera. *** stereo 3-d

Glorieta Baldy, New Mexico

Santa Fe Winter

East San Francisco Street

White-lined sphinx (Hyles lineata)

Lighting of the Luminarias at Santa Fe's Old Town Square

An Ant's Eye View

Round the Corner in Santa Fe

Aspens & Elvis

Aspen Forest on a Dreamy Fall Afternoon

Backlight Aspens I

Sun sets in the valley

Tesuque Light

Surrounded By Aspens I

Nambe Lake

Aspen Vista

Aspen Panorama 4

White Aspens III

Hyde Park Road In the Snow

Piñon Fence New Mexico

White Whispering Aspens

Camel Rock

Approaching On Taos High Road

Purple Mountain Fog

Tesuque Evening

Rainy Day in Sante Fe

Straight Ahead

A Santa Fe Home