creatures of the mangroves - white-faced heron
I take nothing for granted. I now have only good days, or great days.
Magical Stormy Sunset
Old Ways
Your Destiny
Massive Garden Jumping Spider
Dancing Night
Double Trouble Storm Front
Sar Trails at the Mangrove Tree
Solitude Mangrove Sunrise
Storm Front at the Jetty
Lake Eden Magic At Sunset
Tunderstorm Overhead
Solitude Sunrise
The Milky Way Above Mangrove Trees
Approaching Storm by the Bay
Hardhead Duck
Storm Clouds at the Mangrove Tree
Thunderstorm by the Lake
Sunrise at the Jetty
winter bayside
Golden Sunset
Pond Reflections 002
Bright sunset at the marina
walking the dogs
The Circle Of Life
Afternoon Thunderstorm at the Lake
Nudgee Sunrise
Pond Reflections
Golden Saturday Sunrise
Pink Fluffy
Swimming Against the Tide
Wrecked 002
Lake Samsonvale 001
Low Light
Early One Morning
Low on the Horizon