Clown Face

Rainbow and Spray Behind a Breaking Wave

Mr. Purple

Semipalmated Sandpiper

Mathis Bridge in Fog

Harley Trio

Harlequin Duck

Red-breasted Merganser

Contrail Shadow

Surfers View

Incoming Storm

Orion, Airplanes and a Boat

Crested Caracara

Black-legged Kittiwake

NJ7014 FR Basking in the Sunset

Path of Destruction

I'm Ready for My Close-Up, Now

Jet Trail

A Contemplating Dunlin

Harlequin on the Rocks

Long-tailed Drake

Looking South While The Sun Rises

Long Walk to Winter

Sunrise and Seagull

Low Level Flight

Sunrise Seaside Park

Glass Ceiling

Surf Fisherman Never Stand Still

Surfer Bird Plane

Standup Paddle Boarder

Calm on the Water


Sunset Waves

Beachwood Beach Sunset

Snowy Owl (Bubo Scandiacus)

1:31 AM

sunsetting on bayville

A Big Splash 3I9069

In A Wave

Sunset over Barnegat Lighthouse

A Christmas HFF from IBSP - 4

Surfing Humming Bird