Eastern Yellow Jacket Wasps (Vespula Maculifrons)

Enjoy the View

Car Viewed Through Sign Posts.

Orchard view

Ahhhh....my view in the morning, while sitting on my little bench and enjoying my warm coffee, on this crisp morning. So peaceful. The birds are singing in the trees. The water is slowly and gently trickling down the waterfall. I could sit here all day lo

Stegman Creek, Trestle Park

White Pine Trail

Round of 18 with the guys

hess lake michigan

Stretch (2012)

It's raining like hail

Welcome to Autumn (2012)

winter grass

Another #sundayfunday of #biking the White Pine Trail #summer #sunshine #travel #PureMichigan

First weekend at the cottage!

Hess Lake ring of fire

Half Moon Lake 0746-09

Muskegon River through Trees

Madeline + Chris

January 26, 2014 at 01:33PM



Beautiful day to celebrate #Freedom


