Go With the Flow but Keep Your Ear to the Ground

1979 09-28 1655 B&M GP38-2-203 switching at East Deerfield, MA

Go With the Flow but Keep Your Ear to the Ground BW

Shelburne Falls 0411-0417 Panorama

Native Views store

Shelburne Falls / Vista

Glacial Potholes

Old Man of the Falls

White Dahlia

Native Views Trading Post on the Mohawk Trail in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts

Summer Storm

Wilson's Warbler

Sunshine in the Rain

snowy start

Bridge of Flowers

powerline survey

Berkshire Highlands Pentathlon 2012

the end...

Historic Deerfield - Sheldon-Hawks House

Berkshire Highlands Pentathlon 1

Bridge of Flowers - Shelburne Falls, MA.

Hill, fencepost and clouds (5180) 1

Buckland on Deerfield

Stream of Consciousness

Hibiscus, Rose of Sharon, Dahlia and other floral delights on

In the Flow

The Bridge of Flowers in peak season

The Sculptor at Work

Portrait of a Waterfall

The Sculptor at Work

Portrait of a Waterfall BW

The Bridge of Flowers

Shelburne Falls

Chickley River

October on The Deerfield

Stream of Consciousness BW

In the Flow BW

Salmon Falls at Shelburne Falls Ma

northern berkshire winterscape

A visit to Shelburne Falls, Mass ...