Coffee at Copa Cubano Cafe, Rouse Hill Town Centre

Kitchen nostalgia

The Wider View

At the museum ** Explored **

Blue-faced Honeyeater (Entomyzon cyanotis cyanotis)

Tough Cobra

Fire Front (Hawkesbury 2013)

Cool Pony


Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae novaeguineae)

Australasian Grebe (Tachybaptus novaehollandiae novaehollandiae)

Ford Ranger

Revisiting the bridge (for the 50th time)

Penrith sunset 13th Jan 12

Sunset Over the Blue Mountains

Winter Sunset

Nepean Weir

Busways Double Decker

Kitchen Renovation Ideas Kitchen Design In Smithfield NSW 2164 | Call +61 2 9756 2244

Small And Large Kitchen Designs In 86 Gipps St Smithfield 2164 | Call +61 2 9756 2244

Countertop Cooking Options At Gipps St Smithfield NSW | Call +61 2 9756 2244

509A7565 - Nepean River Weir Penrith

Sunset over the Weir, Penrith NSW Australia

Joined at the Hip? ~ (3/3)

Greystane aqueduc

Dark Dreams

Drifting _ SMSP (1/4)

Fire in the Sky

A smokey sunset

Does SIZE Matter? (1/3)

Sports Sedans @ Muscle Car (4/9)

Nepean River Penrith-0072

Storm 20 Oct 2018 10 stitch-

Penrith Weir, Sydney Australia

Greystanes Aqueduct, previously know as The Boothtown Aqueduct - built 1883 - SEE BELOW 1/4

Dead and Alive

Wispy sunset

A foggy morning

Scars on the shore - Vic Bridge, Nepean river


Kellyville Village