Rocky Pizz(a)!?

Fallen 2008.10.24


Satsop testing site

Been Here A Long Time

Main Street Elma

We're headin on home, and the sun sets behind us....

Lake Sylvia Bridge

IMG_4273 Cacklers and Snow Geese

IMG_4274 Snow Geese and Cacklers

Brack's Muse in a Chair

Reeling in the Gold

IMG_9703 Cooper's Hawk - Accipiter cooperii

Another View

Big Red

Birdseye View

High Rigging

under a bridge over the wishkah

Medieta Elegy 1

Fragonard's Young Muse Holding Two Puppies

Bernard's 3 Races Muses

The Two Towers

Day's End

Photo that nearly cost me my life

Satsop Power Plant

Abandoned Nuclear Plant, Satsop WA

Shaffner Pumpkin Patch

Big Sky

Solitary Beach

Quinault Elk

Aberdeen WA . Bridge

Aberdeen WA .

Underneath The Bridge, Top Has Sprung A Leak

Aberdeen, Washington

Bateau surprise

From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah

SR 107 across the Chehalis River

Untitled (9x11)

Pristine land