January 17, 2015-JDS_7827-web

Ponquogue Bridge

The Bee Inspects the Petal

Shinnecock Inlet

Dining by Sunset

1963 Buick Riviera

hasley's farm

incoming traffic

kmart (2)

Independence for Meredith on her '97 Harley Sportster

January 17, 2015-JDS_7760-web

clair de lune?

1959 Simca P60 Aronde Océane

plan américain

Moon Over Peconic Bay

Another View: press L

Hidden from view but not forgotten...

The View Of The Bay From Dockers

vers la lumiere

Sunset in Shinnecock Hills

kmart (1)

Tropical Storm East Hampton August 30, 2017 IMG_0357

January 08, 2015-JDS_7428-web

March 01, 2015-_JDS9935-web


Hampton Bay

February 05, 2015-JDS_8450-web



Starting Him Early


Rhapsody in Blue

January 08, 2015-JDS_7354-web

March 01, 2015-_JDS9930-web


March 02, 2015-_JDS0135-web


Spring landscaping shopping at Marders. Stacey's worrying about lavender, while I notice a Greek statue with a horse's head - hmmmmm. #bridgehampton #thesprings #theglencies #marders #photography #bw #blackandwhite

Winter Sunset

March 02, 2015-_JDS0122-web

Two sides of the sky