Winter Wren

Yellow Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler

Hooded Merganser (M)

Winter Wren

American Robin

Carolina Wren

Blackpoll Warbler

Swamp Sparrow

Common Yellowthroat Warbler

Blue-headed Vireo

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Red-tailed Hawk

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Red-eyed Vireo

Hooded Merganser

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Northern Shoveler (M)

Black-throated Green Warbler

Hooded Merganser (F)

Common Yellowthroat Warbler

When Winter Turns To Magic

Oakland Lake - New York City

120/366 Spring Blooms

Sweeping Allée - Entrance to Old Westbury Gardens

Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park, Oyster Bay - Winter 2018-19-122.jpg

Old Westbury Gardens


St. Thomas Episcopal Church

238/366 Mary Lee's Garden

Pretty in Pink


Bronx Victory Memorial

The Falls

Foggy Morning

Licking Her Chops

Low tide, Two Tree Island

Old Westbury Gardens

Vanishing history - The Jay Property

Autumn Explosion

Glacial Striations

Oakland Lake...Queens NY