
Fields of Gold

Kennington Underground London

We Can Create The Reality Around Us - London Urban City Life

Is Wonderland Really a Wonder..... - Canary Wharf Underground London (5 of 5) (On Explore 4th Sept 2014)

“You would have to be half mad to dream me up” - Canary Wharf Underground London (New 2015 Version)

Spiral Staircase – Chapel of the Old Royal Naval College Greenwich London

Wandsworth Winter Lights

Soft Landing ...

DSC_1251 It's A Bugs Life

“You would have to be half mad to dream me up” - Canary Wharf Underground London (3 of 5) (On Explore 23rd Jun 2014) (Original Version)

Field of Gold

standing alone

Vauxhall views

Great Tit Nest and Eggs (6) Sadly while we been away all 5 eggs hatched and some kids kept going near and watching and mum left them to die

Chasing a Shadow

End Of Days

This Years Baby Parakeet (32) Wild Bird on my Feeder next to our Caravan in Kent and also taken through the Caravan window

DSC_8011 went to Kent and see this lovely Chicken of the woods funguss more shot below from other angles

If You Like It, Does It Matter How I Did It - London City Architecture (On Explore 23rd Apr 2014)

A Place for Contemplation

the lone oak

Towards The City...

Chipstead Lake...

On Which Planet Are We Now?

How Strange...

Tractor ride

More Sheep Taking Over The City

Panoramic Poppies

Wapping London

Up and away...

Tower Bridge and Friends


P1340441 Carshalton... " Explore" :))

ripening for harvest

Shaggy Parasol fingi (1)

Celebration time!

Danson Park

Memories Of Summers Past

Bloomin' brilliant