Bench with tree

Trier - Mosaic of Some of Its Great Historical Buildings

Good morning hometown

The Porta Nigra - Black Gate - View from the Country Side (North) - Trier

Luxembourg - Schiessentümpel im Müllerthal

Porta Nigra View 1991

High Five (HDR)

Trier Panorama mit Wolken


Bridge view 2

Early Rain - 126/365 & 18/52

View from the Porta Nigra, Trier, to the Cathedral, 4th Century, and St. Gangolf's Church, 13th/14th Century

View from Porta Nigra, Trier

Porta Nigra, Trier -- View from the Town Side

Sieweschloeff, Berdorf, Luxembourg.


Moselle River and Trier

Allerheiligen im Morgengrauen, Karthaus bei Trier

Blick von der Geierslay ins Kylltal und zur Burg Ramstein

Maria altaar

And life slips by like a field mouse

HFF landscape


yesterday's Sunrise

A piece of our beautiful planet

wheat field

Unwetterwolke über der Südeifel


Unsere Heimat im Mai

Clouds versus Sun


Landscape / Landschaft

Moon Light in the Forest

High traffic at sunrise

Enchanted Forest

before the sun rises | Bevor die Sonne aufgeht

Sunrise / Sonnenaufgang

long shadow

Horse pasture

good morning

afternoon walk