Gloucester Seascape

The Doors to Paradise

Eastern Point


The Twin Lights of Cape Ann


Halibut Point Balance 3

Fisheye View of Rockport Harbor

World Gone Mad

Fort Pickering Light

I'm waiting for a 90-mile water wall To take me out of your view.

Gloucester, Annisquam Harbor Lighthouse (1B)

Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima)

The Cat's View

Essex River View

The Crane Beach

Rockport, MA

Hotel blizzard view of Salem Common - The Hawthorne Hotel, Salem Massachusetts

rockport harbor 2

Rockport, MA

Views from Cape Ann

Changeable Skies [Explore April 16, 2014 - in and out]

Just Stopping By


Marblehead MA - Marblehead and Harbor

By the Seashore

good harbor

Rockport coast

Sunrise of Fire

Old West in the East

Annisquam Sunset, Massachusetts

Pink and Blue

North Atlantic - looking towards England

Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) Landing

Sunset over the Marsh

Kind of like the Windows XP desktop, just a bit more ominous...

Ipswich River Sunset

Glowing Sky

Danger at the Beach

Fort Pickering Lighthouse I