The blue world

The hill where Baby Blue-Eyes bloom

Last year at the sea

Girl with her dog at Oarai beach

Hand in hand

Blurred view

Beach boys

Light falling onto leaf through the trees

for your happy Sunday morning!

Peach blossom / Momo

Peach blossom / Momo

View from Kobuntei

偕楽園第6回「夜・梅・祭」2011 The Plum festival at The Kairakuen

好文亭 楽寿楼からの眺め View from "Rakujyu" tower

鉄道好きには贅沢な環境! #展望 #view #hotel #駅 #station #朝 #morning #jr東日本 #駅前 #電車 #鉄道 #railway

When the Rain Follows You



Family Time

菜の花畑と瑠璃唐草 No.2

cosmos field in the blue sky.

Moments In Between

Whirling around an old lighthouse

Lonely Blue

20130928 曇ってきた One day afternoon.

Hitachi seaside park , Hitachinaka-city , Ibaragi , Japan .

Hitachinaka Seaside Railway in Spring

Flower fields

Hitachi Seaside Park

Quiet Morning

菜の花畑と瑠璃唐草 ( Rapeseed and Nemophila. )

drift in neighborhood #2 on May 8,2009

calm at dawn


Rice field and Seaside Railway

Spring in Lights