Lakeside View

Anderson Japanese Gardens: black falls

Japanese Garden: orange

Japanese Garden: window

Hard to see the movie screen when it's obscured by trees. Abandoned Sunset Drive-In in Rockford, IL

Westbound Extra

BN 1608 North in Rockford, IL

Eastbound Local

Paul Huddlestun at Davis Junction, IL

Midway Village Pump House

Milwaukee Road 456 in Rockford, IL

Rockford, IL Traffic Jam

A Different Rockford

Fog Your Night in Blue

Rockford, IL on East Belt

Midway Village Pump House

Midway Village Pump House

CMStP&P #1487 Davis Jct., Illinois #2

Sinnissippi Gardens and Lagoon

Rock Cut - (Do you see the big picture?)

My brother Dick's 1953 Studebaker Champion Regal Starliner - view from my bedroom window - Rockford IL - Late Spring 1958

Rock Cut State Park 1

No trouble at all-

Dejando el parque (explore)

Red Umbrella

fishing at sunset

If you think you say then say


Japanese Garden: fall

Summer Fun

Powerlines (variation)

... a lovely weather

Rock Cut State Park

Rock Cut Reflections

Rock Cut State Park in Loves Park, Illinois


Along the trail

Trail way with rocky formations

Stuck in traffic trying to get to O'Hare.

subtle trail

Within its code