Spiderweb Antler Buck

Jersey Central Commuter Power

New York City skyline from East Orange, NJ

Total Solar Eclipse 2017

Power to the People

New York City aerial view

View from the Old Shops

Manhattan through a Boeing window

Window to Manhattan

Through the Trees

Newark Police

Central Park Cedar Knolls_17957

CONRAIL EMD GP-38 Number 7868 (Side View) in Morristown & Erie Railroad Yard

AMTRAK Express Boxcar Number 1434 (2 of 3).jpg

Man-Made Mountains of Manhattan

Amtrak Train Ride from Philadelphia to New York


rain upon your forehead

Natural Beauty

Mountain View, Whippany Railroad Museum (2 of 2)

Manhattan view from Newark / Manhattan vista de Newark

Paterson Great Falls from above

Paterson Great Falls looking below

Autumn Equinox

Brand new memory 嶄新記憶

Great Falls of Paterson

Light Silk

The Manhattan Skyline

Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park

Great Falls National Historical Park

New York Sunrise

Great Falls National Historical Park

Delaware Water Gap

Manhattan Skyline

The 9/11 Memorial at Eagle Rock Reservation

The Frozen Falls

NYC Sunrise, 7:15 am, Dec 8, 2016

Great Falls of the Passaic River

Paterson Silk Machinery Exchange

Autumn Road

Low fog over the lake