Biltmore House View

Biltmore House View II

Biltmore House at Christmas

View from Grove Park Inn - Asheville NC

Biltmore House

North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway Landscape Photography Asheville NC

1947 Willy's Rat Rod (Asheville, North Carolina)

Asheville NC Blue Ridge Parkway Spring Flowers North Carolina

in a fog (Explore)

Locust Borer (Megacyllene Robiniae) at Craggy Gardens (Blue Ridge Parkway)

Icy grass

Blue Ridge Parkway Asheville NC - Enduring Craggy

Biltmore Farmyard Tractor (Biltmore Estate, Asheville NC)

the road unknown

Biltmore Farmyard Goat (Biltmore Estate, Asheville NC)

first light

Trees and Roots ~ Explored ~

Old Pure Gas Station 1

Craggy Gardens Yellow Worm (Blue Ridge Parkway)

Morning dewdrops on grass

Underside of Green-spored Lepiota mushroom (Chlorophyllum molybdites)

Winter reflections

Nibbled mushroom (Green-spored Lepiota - Chlorophyllum molybdites)

Biltmore House

landscape at Biltmore Estate, trees, hillside, dirt roadway, foreground leaves and branches, Asheville, NC, Minolta XG-M, Super Albinon 28mm f-2.8, Arista.Edu 200, Moersch Eco developer, 11.22.20

industrial architecture, abandoned, urban decay, River Arts District, Asheville, NC, Lomo'Instant, Instax Mini Monochrome, 1.4.21

Chihuly at Biltmore

Sunflower Field

tree and plant forms, blossiming, backlit, yard, Asheville, NC, Apple iPhone 11, 4.3.20

winter landscape, through the trees, late light, tributary, French Broad River, Asheville, NC, Graflex Crown Graphic, Schneider Symmar 150mm, f-5.6, Fomapan 400, HC-110 developer, 12.23.20

dried wildflowers, winter foilage, French Broad River, Asheville, NC, Minolta XG-M, Fomapan 200, Moersch Eco film developer, mid December 2020

urban landscape, storage silo, graffiti, railroad tracks, Asheville, NC, Apple iPhone 11, 3.1.20

looking down, through the barren thicket, industrial architecture, abandoned, urban decay, river district, Asheville, NC, Ansco Super Memar, Fomapan 200, Moersch Eco film developer, 12.8.20

Until You Reach The Sun

Asheville NC Blue Ridge Parkway Spring Flowers Scenic Landscape

winter landscape, bare trees, backlit, lagoon, patterned coulds, near dusk, Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC, Lomo'Instant, Instax Mini Monochrome film, 12.29.20

urban vista, abandoned building, graffiti, railroad tracks, river district, Asheville, NC, Ansco Super Memar, Fomapan 200, Moersch Eco film developer, 12.8.20

urban decay, abandoned brick mill, tall grasses, winter, near dusk, river district, Asheville, NC, Kodak Bantam, Fomapan 400, HC-110 developer, 12.17.20

urban landscape, metal fence, barbed wire, architectural forms, dusk, Asheville, NC, Nikon D3300, mamiya sekkor 145mm f-4, 11.8.20