"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Northport Bay Marina, View from the Garden

Centerport Twilight

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Centerport Harbor

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Centerport Harbor

Old Westbury Gardens

Northport Bay. Long Island, New York

Caumsett in Fall

Centerport Winter

Oyster Bay, Long Island

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Trellis at Old Westbury

Long Island Autumn

Cold Spring Harbor

Centerport Harbor

Fork-tailed Flycatcher

Algae Way

Morgan Park Sunset

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Old Westbury Gardens

Docce d'oro

Dia #322 / Day #322

Old Westbury Gardens

Perfect fall day on the bay.

Autumn Explosion

Centerport Night

Antica giorni

Small craft Sunset

Northport village dock

North Shore Glow

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Old Westbury Gardens

Low Tide - Port Washington - Manhasset Bay

standing alone

Northport Morning