Steampunk author Anna-Marie York at Conbust

Smooth Landing

Old Mill on the Falls

Fire & Ice

Retro McDonald's (Holyoke, Massachusetts)

Rainy Day Blues

Getting To The Other Side

Common Cattails (Typha latifolia)

Another View, Work-In-Progress

Dinosaur Footprints

Twilight in Holyoke

Let there be Clouds

winter blues

Q436 by the Mittineague Freight House

Star Power

It's just Water over the Dam

Art in the Shadows - Pioneer Valley Edition

This is Color

Second Gear

A View....

Dam Pretty

Chilly Predawn on the River LE (2098)

River's Edge 1326

Nashawannuck Pond Flag (0505) 3


The Oxbow

LE Sunrise on the River 1612

Autumn Road to Mount Holyoke

The Caterpillar and His Old Friend

ghost tree

Autumn on the Backroads of New England

Student Center Joy

Along Jacob's Ladder

back of beyond

Mr Froggy

the winter trees

Mill River, MA

Holyoke Shopping Center

Canary Island Predawn December 12, 2018 (2335) 2

Connecticut River, Canary Island Adjacent (2011) 11

Predawn River Reflection LE 1640)

Sunrise River Reflection (1463)