Lily Pond ~ Forest Park

CSO4 Departing Springfield

Springfield Scene

Springfield Departure


The Back Streets Of Holyoke

Pioneer Valley Street Running

Happy Birthday America!

Budweiser Clydesdale Horse Team

The Back Streets of The Paper City

Down On The Streets of Holyoke

It's just Water over the Dam

Star Power

Pioneer Valley Street Running

American Robin Series

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)

European Starling

Angry Skies

Hadley Falls Canal Park

S. Hadley Falls Canal Park

View from Red Bridge Rd

Lily Pond ~ Forest Park

Last lilies of the season...

Windsor Locks Canal

Holyoke Shopping Center

Across the Lake

Refections on a Winter's day

Connecticut River South Hadley

Winter Patterns 6

Sandstone Ledges

Holyoke, Massachusetts

Bright green and fiery red color New England autumn fall foliage in Massachusetts USA

The Mills at Holyoke

Harvest corn field and yellow with fiery red color autumn fall foliage in New England Massachusetts USA

Rustic tree farm barn with New England autumn fall foliage in Massachusetts USA

Hidden Brook found...

No Longer Used

And how beautiful life is...

berries encased in ice

Don't Fence me Out

Springfield Reflection