Screen Distortion
Ringwood State Park_7688-7690
Lake Kanawauke_6782-6784
Foliage at Lake Welch, Harriman State Park, New York
Waning Clarity And Murky Reflections
Golden-winged Warbler Singing
Lake Kanawauke_6767
Warwick Valley
Lake Kanawauke_6775
Ice cream sunset.
View of the lake.
Long Meadow Road Views_8474
Whooo, are You
Down By The Water_13160 (Explored 02-05-2016)
Fish eye view of fallen tree
Scott Mine Shaft
Lake Stahahe
Viewing the sunset through a glass ball.
Lake Tiorati Autumn View
Silver Mine Lake, NY
Sterling Park Winter_1160-1165
In September
Lake Kanawauke_0405
Lake Tiorati
Little Long Pond
End of the day at Bellvale Farms
Happy Birthday Jesus :)
Stream falling over rocks
The Autumnal Colors of Fitzgerald Falls
082517tomjonesphone (10)
Lake Kanawauke reflections at dawn
Lake Kanawauke dawn
glass ball as a lens
The Tiorati Brook
Fishermen out on the morning mist
Shed 5
Cloudy Day At Sterling Forest_6434-6436
Sunset over the forest
Water and rocks
Near road
Lake Nawahunta