"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Northport Bay Marina, View from the Garden

Centerport Twilight

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Centerport Harbor

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Old Westbury Gardens

Centerport Harbor

Northport Bay. Long Island, New York

Caumsett in Fall

Centerport Winter

Oyster Bay, Long Island

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Trellis at Old Westbury

Makamah Nature Preserve

Long Island Autumn

Cold Spring Harbor

Algae Way

Centerport Harbor

Have a seat

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Awesome Autumn!

Old Westbury Gardens

Makamah Autumn

Old Westbury Gardens

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Centerport Night

Autumn Explosion

Small craft Sunset

Northport village dock

Old Westbury Gardens

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Northport Morning

#weddingphotographer #petersonsloveme #charzannewed #horse #oldbethpage #oldbethpagerestoration

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Eagle Nest Mansion ~ (Former Dock) Long Island, NY - Vanderbilt - Film 2001 ~ Texture

Fall is for lovers & their Rolls Royces