_ Dangerous waters, seA of Fins
_ DIfferentiaL Propagation and InterseCting Stories!
― RhombuS
― Ode to Wine
_ "Patio de Los Reyes"
― Recursive expressionism
― Shades of Grey
_Seeing RED
_ The RaiseD eYe
_ “inScapeS”
― ¯Ш
— Recollections of Memory
Melbourne from Williamstown
A walk in the evening
- Discretion
_TO A POINT ~ Centripetal forces ~
∕≡┘└ . SlotteD
_sTRUCtural constellation
― The virtue of Dimensions
_ the BaR ... conteXtual conFrontation
bleu, blanc & rouge
Melbourne City Twilight
On a clear day.............
Fed Square Poppies 2015-04-24 (_MG_0368)
Boating along....as one does...
Generic Melbourne Photo
The Jetty
Yarra River
Into The Night
rooted by the river
Skyline seen from King Street Bridge @ Night, Melbourne, Australia
Abbotsford Convent
bataphobic nexus
Dead calm before the storm (Sold)
Blast from the Past
Escaping the Madness
Sunset at west gate bridge
pier - port Melbourne
sun worn
Melbourne Skyline