Blue Sulphur Balls - Museum of Burgundy Life - Dijon - France

DSC_0151CO7-whtbalShdeexpAto - Museum of Burgundy Life - Dijon - France


Rise appear to view...

DSC_0161CO7-expAtoclrty25 - Museum of Burgundy Life - Dijon - France

Cloud of mercy...

Relaxing Temporary Seating

Sunrise on Dijon (+1K views!!!)

A Favourite Shop. Dijon

Marvellous Gallic Modernity ~ Double-Glazing French Style

Courtyard Corner - Old Town Dijon

Rue Monge - Old Dijon - Burgundy - France

Archway Negative, Old Dijon

Modern Metal Posts


Dijon - Saint Philibert (+1K views!!!)


Chained Metal Conundram

Dijon - Saint Benigne (+1K views!!!)

Replica Burgundy Sweetshop

Interesting Rugby Shirt Shop Logo in Dijon.

Vision de rêve.

Mirrored Marine Landscape



Chevrette dans les blés.

Session du 26/10/2010 à la cras

Dijon by night


Un soir d'été

Anémone pulsatile.

fields • ouges, burgundy • 2013


Croc-Renard .

Prendre le soleil.

Grand Cru Chambertin Clos de Bèze

Snow landscape

Mysterious City of Gold

Les Verroilles

Grande Cru

La balade va t-elle touner court ? #pluie #vent #tempete.