Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

"Which Star Will Guide Us?", Wondered The Wise Men/“Quelle étoile nous guidera?”, se demandèrent les rois Mages.

Avant l'orage/Before the storm

Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

A garage with a view

Fourth Connecticut Lake - New Hampshire / Quebec

Silvery Blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus)

Orange Hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum)

kayaking at sunrise, pittsburg, nh

L'hiver à la campagne

Fishermen coming in on Third Conn Lake, New Hampshire

East Inlet Dam

Parc national du Mont-Mégantic

Third Connecticut Lake, Pittsburg, NH

Parc national du Mont-Mégantic

Parc national du Mont-Mégantic

La Route des Sommets

East Inlet WMA, Pittsburg, NH

Third Connecticut Lake

Second Connecticut Lake, Pittsburg, NH

De Notre-Dame-Des-Bois, Une Superbe Vue Sur Le Parc National Du Mont-Mégantic. 2013-07-13 17.13.37

East Inlet, Second Connecticut Lake

Day 1, Wilberforce, ON - Kingfield, ME 024

Chartierville, QC