Rolling Thunder

Stick Your Neck Out

Pink-footed Goose

Views from a plane

El Toro Reflection

Self Portrait

Creek's Bend

Views from a plane


The Real Molly Pitcher Spring

View from the ski-lift

Sutfin-Herbert House

Views from a plane

A Walk In The Woods

Towards Perrine Hill

NHRA Pro Stock Driver Kurt Johnson

Two Drops

Upper view

Big Wheel

Six Flags T Cups

Shack, Monroe, NJ

Right turn off of Sweetman's Lane

Farm Scene


Historic Craig House - V

Rising Sun Lake

Historic Craig House - XVII

#AmazingSky #WhataWonderfulWorld #NewJerseySkyline

Historic Craig House - IV

Landscapes from the Battle of Monmouth - VII

Historic Craig House - XVI

Hightstown, NJ

Modified Holga HL-C Lens Test - I

Historic Craig House - X

Sutfin-Herbert House - VI

Abandoned Farmhouse - IX

Wild Safari Six Flags, New Jersey.

Landscapes from the Battle of Monmouth - I

Old House.