DSC00281 - 2014-04-06 at 19-28-44

Boca Grande

DSC00279 - 2014-04-06 at 19-28-10

Stump Pass Lighthouse

Waking up early

Panoramic Shell View

Calusa heritage trail

Banyan Street

Royal Tern Landing

Aerial Photo of Costa Cayo Island, Florida

Making the photo: Lightning

my view.

Boca Grande LH_HDR2

Boca Grande Light House,HDR3

View from the porch

Still nothing has changed... breakfast with a view.

Brown Pelican Carrying Mangrove Branch to Nest

Snowy in Red Drift Algae

Buddy from Boca

Crabby view

Osprey Lift Off_3626

What stands between us.

Gulf Coast Dreams

stormy beach night

Pineland Sunset

True places never are

Whatever may come

Hear my own breathing

dog skipper

Bokeelia Sunset

The world lay spread before me

Breaking Clouds at Boca Grande Pass

A Saturday afternoon on Gasparilla Island

The day before tomorrow

Bokeelia Fishing Pier

Bokeelia Sunset

