The Remains of the Day {hss}

Midnight in a Perfect World During the Summer Solstice

Forest Jewel

Valley Forge - Maurice Stephens House (Rear Spring or Milk House Field View)

Happy New Year!

American Coot

Chanticleer People

365/87: Sundays...

Evening View

Red-tailed Hawk - "Watching"

Burnings Sky

A Rapacious Great Blue

Lord Stirling's Barn hdr 19

Locust Street View

Cumulus Accumulation (7/365)

Little Fighter Jet

Meadow Near George Washington's Headquarters

Barn Swallow

"Once a week owl lineup," 40th Street, Philadelphia, 1975

Yellow Warbler

Southern view from Outer Line Defenses

Urban Waterfall

Love at Valley Forge

Before all were gone

Autumn River

...for every challenge encountered in life there is opportunity for growth, remember that the pain encountered today is the strength rewarded YOU tomorrow. ☝ #Woosha #NeverGiveUp #NothingIsPromised

#valleyforge #pennsylvania

Road & River

Strawberry Mansion

The Spring House

Late Spring afternoon II

River Blue

Schuykill Reflections

summer days

The Valley Forge Arch... Springs finally coming to Pennsylvania.

Wayne's Woods

Battlefield Sunset

Shofuso 601


Grey Catbird