Radar Love

White Goose On A Foggy Morning

Texas Says Farewell to 41

Bermuda Lounge

Cosplayer - Anime Matsuri 2012

Sunset Reflections

Reflctions On A Foggy Morning

Bridge Light


Texas Says Farewell to 41

Texas Says Farewell to 41

Great Blue in Flight

Anadarko Clouds

The woodpecker woods

Look What I Made!

Blue Sunset Heron

Side View (1.8.13)

Jupiter & Moon After Sunset

Muscovy Family

A Queen

Petals & Sepals: Best Buds

Tomball Sunrise

Hughes Landing

Middle Lake

Lake Woodlands

Sunday Sunset

Water Feature Star

Fore for four!

Congressional Medal of Honor for US Marines and Sailors from Texas

The Woodlands, TX

Eastern Pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis) M

The Woodlands Waterway

Family Christmas pictures at Market Street, The Woodlands Texas

Missing work today, but definitely not missing work (pre-approved vacation day). I'm on chair/stuff watch right now while my brother, his wife, and our nieces traverse the lazy river. I'm doing a good job at holding a lounger down.

Camino Los Angelitos Street

Farm Pond


Tower in the woodlands

Pretty Pundt Park Pond

Shadow Lake Reflections