The sunset view of the "Neighborhood"

Week #14 theme: Fear

Forest in Fall | 森秋

Kaitakushi Headquarters

Hyakunen Kinen Tower 1/2

Super Kamui - 789-1000 Series

No Scribble!

Fishing Village 2/2

Horse-drawn Trolley 3/3

Old Sapporo Railway Station

Horse-drawn Trolley 1/3

Dried Fish

Horse-drawn Trolley 2/3

Hyakunen Kinen Tower 1/2

Fishing Village 1/2

Town 1/2

Another view from the train

A view from the train

Tower View 2/2

Tower View 1/2

Town 2/2

Izuminonuma Koen Park

The parking lot of AEON

ネッツトヨタ道都(株) 江別店

Good morning ⛅️⛅️⛅️

Sapporo VS Ehime #2

Scenery from National Route 337 of Ebetsu


after the game

冬 - Winter

Atsubetsu fire department

Sapporo - musée historique


Sapporo - musée historique


Sheraton Sapporo Hotel—Furano



Sapporo - musée historique

pretty forest

Tonden Farm